Open Access Policy

As an Open Access Journal, the articles published in the Energy, Environment and Storage Journal can be accessed online at free of charge for readers. The manuscript can be shared, copied, and distributed by reproduction without being a subject to any commercial activity and without changing its content providing that these contents can only be published under licensing conditions. Any legal responsibilities which can occur according to the article content and writings belong to the author(s) of that article. The journal follows CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. (

Initial submission:

A pre-control process in terms of appropriateness to writing rules and plagiarism citation, manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication and etcetera are applied to the manuscripts during the first step of submission. This control is made by a member of Editorial Board having the authorization for reviewing the paper and giving the decision of whether this article is appropriate for the journal or not. Passing the initial assessment, the manuscript is sent to three external peer reviewers.

Peer Review and Acceptability:

Three peer reviewers who are specialized in the related subjects will review the paper. At the end two positive returns about the paper the manuscript will gain the publication acceptance in the journal. But in addition to the acceptance decision, the Editorial Board Member can request a minor revision, where authors revise their manuscript to address specific concerns or request a major revision, where authors revise their manuscript to address significant concerns and perhaps undertake additional work. If such revisions do not found enough by the editorial board member then the manuscript can be rejected.


In cases where the referees or Editorial Board Member has requested changes to the manuscript, the author(s) will be invited to prepare a revision. The decision letter will specify a deadline for submission of the revised manuscript. Once resubmitted, the manuscript may then be sent back to the original referees or to new referees, according to the Editorial Board Member's discretion.

Final submission and acceptance:

After resolving all editorial issues the paper will be formally accepted for publication. The received date stated on the paper will be the date on which the original submission passed our standard quality control checks, which are based on the journal's submission guidelines. The accepted date stated on the paper will be the date on which the Editorial Board Member sent the acceptance letter.

After acceptance, authors are sent proofs of their manuscript but only changes to the title, author list or scientific errors will be permitted. All corrections must be approved by the publishing team. Energy, Environment and Storage Journal (ENENSTRG) reserves the right to make the final decision about matters of style and the size of figures.


There are rights of some authors about asking a reconsideration of a rejection decision. These are taken into account as Appeals. But this can take several weeks because it constitutes a second weight on the normal workload. There is only one appeal application is permitted for each manuscript and the appeals can only take place after peer review. Final decisions on appeals will be made by the Editorial Board Member handling the paper. Decisions are reversed on appeal only if the relevant Editorial Board Member is convinced that the original decision was a serious mistake. Consideration of an appeal is merited if a referee made substantial errors of fact or showed evidence of bias, but only if a reversal of that referee's opinion would have changed the original decision. Similarly, disputes on factual issues need not be resolved unless they were critical to the outcome. If an appeal merits further consideration; the Editorial Board Member may send the authors' response and the revised paper out for further peer review.

Publication ethics and Abuse Declaration Policy

The "Energy, Environment and Storage Journal" fully adheres to the principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and applies the most advanced principles on ethical issues, errors or abandonment. Any form of unethical conduct, including plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or other unethical research practices, is strictly prohibited.

Instances of suspected misconduct will undergo comprehensive investigation, and necessary measures, such as corrections, retractions, and communication with relevant parties, will be implemented.

Editorial Obligations:

Publishing decisions:

The editor is responsible for making the decision to publish the submitted articles. The editor evaluates the article recommendations without considering the ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, nationality or political views of the authors. The editorial decision is based on the importance, originality, clarity of the study as well as the validity of the study and the suitability of the journal for its purpose.


The editorial team cannot share appropriate information about the work with the responsible writer, referees, editorial board members, and individuals or institutions other than the broadcaster.

Disclosure and opinion disagreements:

Unpublished content in the article recommendation cannot be used by members of the editorial team for their own research purposes without the written permission of the author.

Obligations of Referees:


Referees should report this to the editor and refrain from the evaluation process when they do not consider themselves sufficient about the content of the article proposal or think that they cannot evaluate it within the specified time.


Any article proposal sent for evaluation purposes should be accepted as a confidential document.

Non-flammability standards:

Evaluations should be made unbiased. Individual criticism of the author should not be made. Referees should express their views clearly, along with supporting arguments.

Representation of references:

Referees should indicate relevant studies that have been previously published but not specified in the study. They should indicate whether appropriate citations are made from quotes from other sources. The referees should inform the editor about the similarities or similarities between the article proposal and the previously published works.

Disclosure and differences of opinion:

Private data or thoughts seen in the evaluation process should not be used for personal benefit. Referees should not consider any conflict of interest or competition arising from authors, companies and institutions involved in the study.

Authors' Responsibilities:

Reporting standards:

Authors should state their originality as well as their objectivity regarding the importance of their work. Article recommendations should comply with guidelines for the authors.


The authors should state that their work is original.

Multiple, dysfunctional or repetitive studies:

Authors should not refer to more than one journal at a time. It is also expected that the authors will not publish their work in another journal in the future.

Representation of the sources:

The authors should indicate the sources of the data they use in their work, and reference should be made to the relevant studies required in the research.


Authorship should be limited to a significant contribution to the conceptualization, patterning, implementation or interpretation stages included in the article proposal. In addition, the authors should confirm the accuracy of their information regarding the names and that all contributing authors see the article proposal.

Data Access and protection: :

Authors should present unprocessed data related to article proposals to the editor and protect it for necessary cases.

Key errors in published work:

At any time, when authors notice a significant error or uncertainty, they should report the error or uncertainty to the editor.


Authors should promptly disclose any financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that could have impacted the research or result interpretation to the editorial office when recognized or suspected.

Peer-reviewers and editors are expected to abstain from handling manuscripts if they possess any actual or potential conflicts of interest. If there is an indication of a potential violation of the conflict-of-interest policy, it will be investigated, and appropriate measures, such as recusal, will be taken.

Copyright and Licensing Policy


When submitting a manuscript, authors are required to sign the ‘Transfer of Copyright’ agreement form before the article can be published. The authors yield up all copyright to the manuscript and all of its elements during the assessment process by signing the relevant form. If the manuscript is accepted, the authors consent to the permanent transfer of all copyright to Energy, Environment and Storage Journal, including all of its elements. In the event that the manuscript is rejected, the authors regain copyright for the entire manuscript. All patents and intellectual rights related to the article, with the exception of copyright, are retained by the authors.
The authors who signed the ‘Transfer of Copyright’ agreement form at the time of submitting the manuscript attest to the fact that the submitted manuscript (text, tables, figures, graphics, visuals, and other pertinent content included) is original, hasn't been submitted to another journal for publication, and hasn't been published in whole or in part before. The authors warrant that there are no legal issues with respect to the copyrighted information, document, image, or other components of the article. They also agree to provide the journal with any supporting documentation that may be required on this topic. Additionally, the authors assume responsibility for the article's content as well as any other legal obligations associated with it and ensure that it does not infringe upon the personal or property rights of any third parties. The authors agree that, in the pre-publication phase, the manuscript may be reviewed and reorganized as necessary.


The journal publishes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This license facilitates the open exchange and application of research for the progress of knowledge by permitting any usage of the work as long as the original author(s) and source are credited.

Direct Marketing and Advertising Policy

The Energy, Environment, and Storage Journal adheres to a strict non-marketing policy and does not accept any advertising in its journals. The exclusive sponsorship for the journal is provided by the Erciyes Energy Association.

Repository Policy

According to Journal policy, authors are free to submit all versions .i.e. submitted versionaccepted version and/or published versions of their articles to any repository or archive of their choice without incurring any embargo.

Archiving Policy

Energy, Environment and Storage Journal (EES) is archived in some libraries and indexes both in print and electronically. In case the journal ends its publishing life for any reason, the articles published in the past can be found here.