Experimental Investigation of The Effects of Biodiesel/Methanol Mixtures on Diesel Fuel on Engine Performance and Emission Values in A Diesel Engine.
Corresponding Author: Alparslan Bozkurt
Received: 29.04.202
Accepted 01.06.202
Published 01.06.202

In internal combustion engines, operating conditions, engine design and fuel properties are closely related to efficiency. The alternative fuel used in diesel engines is expected to improve performance and emission values. Biodiesel is widely used to improve the fuel properties of alcohol and diesel. In this study, the effects of diesel, diesel-methanol, diesel-biodiesel, diesel-biodiesel-methanol mixtures are examined. Engine performance and exhaust emission tests were carried out on a three-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and five different loads: no load, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90%. Since constant speed and torque values could not be obtained in the no-load condition (T0) in the studies, the values at T0 were not used in the comparisons. As experimental data, thermal efficiency, CO, HC, CO2, NO emission values, in-cylinder pressure values and heat release rate values were examined. In experimental studies, the effects of adding different amounts of biodiesel and methanol on engine performance and emission values were compared with diesel.

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